Saturday, March 5, 2022

Is the Democrat Party terminal?

The Democrat Party is on the wrong side of every single issue — borders, law enforcement, parents vs. teachers, inflation, Critical Race Theory, school choice, cancel culture, lockdowns, masks, individual freedom, gasoline prices, pipelines, wokism, unrestricted abortions, and a president who has dementia, just to name a few.

Does the party have a death wish? We have all known persons who are self-destructive. That behavior can afflict groups as well as individuals.

The Democrat Party and the left foster self-hatred. They believe that our country is irrevocably racist and is destroying the planet by using fossil fuels.

The Democrat establishment and most of its voters are racked by guilt. Unless they join a monastery, they have no choice but to participate in the system they believe is destroying our future.

The Democrats have lost their self-preservation instinct and their will to live. Just look at the party's lack of concern about its hemorrhaging loss of support among its traditional bases — blacks, Hispanics, Asians, mothers, and independents. The breadth of the damage is unprecedented. In all likelihood, the party is too far gone ever to regain its former status and influence.

The party's problems are deep-seated, rooted in the sick nature of what it has become. The United States has been a two-party country throughout its history. Will that be enough for the party to survive in some form?

The Democrat party is headed for election losses of monumental proportions this November. When that happens, what will be the party's response?

The Democrats are stuck. Most of the party leaders who got them into this mess will still be there after the election. Self-awareness and accountability are definitely not what the Democrats are known for. They will not get the message.


Is the Democrat Party terminal? - American Thinker March 4, 2022

Ron Ross Ph.D. is a former economics professor and author of The Unbeatable Market. Ron resides in Arcata, California and is a founder of Premier Financial Group, a wealth management firm located in Eureka, California. He is a native of Tulsa, Oklahoma and can be reached at

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